In the Summer 2021 edition of The High Window Magazine I have four poems set in Greece – three of them new, written in Porto Heli during the lockdown: Total Immersion, Oracle, Matistraki Beach, Bin Life.
My good friend, the poet Colin Pink sent me an email after reading the four poems saying…
Fabulous to see some of your wonderful Greek poems in High Window. These Greek themed poems make a lovely sequence, transitioning from youth, in the baptism poem, Total Immersion, through the vagaries of fate in Oracle, to mortality in Maistraiki Beach and the rubbish tip at the end in Bin Life!
Here is the first stanza of Total Immersion. You can read the rest by clicking the link below and then clicking on my name, Konstandinos Mahoney.
Total Immersion
Three days, a continent slips by; Dover, Brussels,
Munich, Belgrade, Athens. I’m mobbed at the station,
kissed, hugged, pinched, squeezed, Costaki!
Kαρδιά μου! Xρυσό μου! My Heart! My Golden One!
We drive off like film stars in Granddad’s limousine.